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Pan Wołodyjowski (The Trilogy #3) Paperback | Pages: 597 pages
Rating: 3.96 | 2121 Users | 48 Reviews

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Original Title: Pan Wołodyjowski
ISBN: 8371622139 (ISBN13: 9788371622137)
Edition Language: Polish
Series: The Trilogy #3, The Trilogy - 3 book edition #3
Characters: John III Sobieski, Michał Wołodyjowski, Jan Zagłoba, Hassling-Ketling of Elgin, Basia Wołodyjowska, Azja Tuhaj-bejowicz, Krystyna Drohojowska, Adam Nowowiejski
Setting: Poland

Relation Concering Books Pan Wołodyjowski (The Trilogy #3)

Pan Wołodyjowski jest ostatnią powieścią Trylogii (pozostałe to Ogniem i mieczem i Potop). Akcja toczy się na Kresach podczas wojny polsko-tureckiej, za panowania Michała Wiśniowieckiego. Michał Wołodyjowski pojawiał się we wcześniejszych częściach cyklu, zyskując coraz bardziej na znaczeniu. Pisarz, tworząc swego bohatera, wzorował się na autentycznej osobie - podolskim rycerzu Jerzym Wołodyjowskim który zginął podczas obrony Kamieńca. Powieść Sienkiewicza wypełniają dzieje potyczek, pościgów, pojedynków i licznych romansów składających się na porywającą lekturę.

Specify Epithetical Books Pan Wołodyjowski (The Trilogy #3)

Title:Pan Wołodyjowski (The Trilogy #3)
Author:Henryk Sienkiewicz
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 597 pages
Published:1997 by Narodowa Biblioteka Lektur Szkolnych (first published 1888)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Classics. European Literature. Polish Literature. Fiction. Cultural. Poland

Rating Epithetical Books Pan Wołodyjowski (The Trilogy #3)
Ratings: 3.96 From 2121 Users | 48 Reviews

Judge Epithetical Books Pan Wołodyjowski (The Trilogy #3)
Wonderful literature. The poles should be re-named The People of Job as they have suffered unawares for centuries while at the same time have defended western civilization with truly uncommon valor and integrity. The west owes a debt of thanks to these honorable people. It is crazy that they languished under the yoke communism after WWII and that we "blessed" it.

Interesting finale to the entire Trilogy. The last volume seemed to get away from making the history of the period the main focus. The characters and their beliefs were more focused. While saying that, the story shows how deeply people can feel about issues, such as religion, honor, patriotic pride and self serving selfishness.The trilogy is a microcosm of the world we live in today. Sadly, the human race has not found a way to live with each others beliefs and ideals. Rather amazing when you

This book is just as amazing as the rest of the trilogy. Its true that the begining is a litlle bit boring but as the story goes on it becomes very interesting. I can't really say which book is my favourite as all of them made me laugh, cry and scream as even though stories are different they are still definitelly very unique and worth reading. I honestly recommend Fire in the Steppe.

Bottom Line First:I did enjoy Pan Michael, but not as much as the earlier volumes in The Trilogy. Sienkiewicz is creative enough that you will rarely be that far ahead of the plot twists and never because you had no warning. Even if you do know what is coming, the details may not be what you expected. Having a warrior of a woman is a much needed relief from fainting, teary eyed motherly women that is every other female in the series. . The inclusion of a great warrior driven mad by the violence

Third Second in the series.Currently available free at Amazon Kindle:

One important note... if you read the trilogy in English, be sure to read the translation by Kuniczak. I started reading one by a different translator and the difference was night and day. It was like reading a wooden story by an author of adventure books for young adults instead of a well written story by a great author. If you read a poor review I wonder if the reviewer didn't read the other translation.The books in the trilogy read like a mix of "War and Peace" and "The Three Musketeers".

I read this book because my wife's grandpa is polish and he gave the trilogy to her uncle. It was a delight and amazing book about the history of one of the most important Christian countries in the world. This is the grand finale!