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Original Title: | Puhdistus |
ISBN: | 9510339733 (ISBN13: 9789510339732) |
Edition Language: | Finnish URL |
Series: | Kvartetti |
Characters: | Aliide Truu, Zara Pekk |
Setting: | Estonia |
Literary Awards: | Prix Femina for Étranger (2010), Nordisk Raads Litteraturpris (Nordic Council Literature Prize) (2010), Kalevi Jäntin palkinto (2008), European Book Prize for Fiction (2010), Finlandia Prize (2008) Varjo-Finlandia (2008), Runeberg-palkinto (2009), Prix du roman Fnac (2010) |
Sofi Oksanen
Paperback | Pages: 381 pages Rating: 3.88 | 12883 Users | 1086 Reviews
Define Containing Books Puhdistus (Kvartetti)
Title | : | Puhdistus (Kvartetti) |
Author | : | Sofi Oksanen |
Book Format | : | Paperback |
Book Edition | : | Deluxe Edition |
Pages | : | Pages: 381 pages |
Published | : | 2008 by WSOY |
Categories | : | Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction. European Literature. Finnish Literature |
Ilustration To Books Puhdistus (Kvartetti)
Ikääntynyt Aliide Truu asuu yksin taloaan Viron maaseudulla. Maa on itsenäistynyt edellisenä vuonna ja maareformi on alkanut. Vanhan naisen arjen katkaisee pihalle pyörtynyt parikymppinen Zara. Tultuaan tajuihinsa Zara kertoo pakenevansa väkivaltaista miestään. Kohtaaminen nostaa Aliiden mieleen repivät muistot nuoruuden traagisesta rakkaudesta ja valinnoista, jotka sinetöivät hänen lähimpiensä kohtalon. Omiin epätoivoisiin ratkaisuihinsa pakotetun Zaran tilanne puolestaan osoittaa, että vaikka aika on toinen, vaino ei ole loppunut, muuttanut vain muotoaan.Puhdistuksen syvintä ydintä on petos, johon epätoivoiset tunteet ajavat. Romaani avaa myös Viron vaiettua lähihistoriaa yhden suvun kokemusten kautta.
Kirja antaa äänen sodan, kommunismin ja sorron uhreille. 1940-luvulla koettujen nöyryytysten ohella teoksessa nousee esiin nykynaisiin epävakaissa yhteiskunnallisissa olosuhteissa kohdistuva hyväksikäyttö.
Rating Containing Books Puhdistus (Kvartetti)
Ratings: 3.88 From 12883 Users | 1086 ReviewsNotice Containing Books Puhdistus (Kvartetti)
Purge by Sofi Oksanen is set in a rural village in the region of Läänemaa, west Estonia. The book is translated from Finnish by Lola Rogers.It is a novel of two histories, one in the late 1930's and 1940's when Aliide and her sister Ingel were adolescents, spanning the changes in their lives after Estonia was annexed by the Soviet Union and renamed Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic (ESSR) and the other in the early 1990's when a Russian-Estonian girl Zara, turns up unannounced seeking refuge.AtWow. And I thought "Girl with the dragon tattoo" was too violent. This book takes some extreme examples of violent sexual abuse toward women and wraps a story about two women, somewhat related, around it. The authors intent here shows how little methods of control and abuse by men have changed; only the motivations have changed--as in then: political; now: profit. The horrors endured by these two have given them an uncommon common ground and their stories spin out backward from their first
Purge by Sofi Oksanen (Trans. from the Finnish by Lola Rogers. Black Cat, 2010)Having grown up in a communist country, I am skeptical when it comes to successful novels about communism written by writers who havent experienced it firsthand. Thats why even before I checked to see if Sofi Oksanen has grown up in Estonia, where her novel takes place, I suspected she hasnt. It turns out she is Estonian on her mothers side, but born in Finland. This is not to say that Oksanens novel isnt good: it is
I need counselling now!!!
Yes, it really is that good. And I have been tired of books about the Second World War and the Eastern Bloc these last fifteen years, I nearly always avoid fiction where the plot appears to focus on women as victims, and I wasn't keen on the title, sounding as it does like a bulimia memoir from the "Painful Lives" section at WH Smith.Not only did Purge, within its first few pages of bloody excellent writing, kick squarely through these barriers; by half-way through it even had me wanting to read
What a great book! And first of all thanks to 7Jane of Finland and Jim of New Hampshire who recommended Finnish authors and works to me. This is a psychological thriller set in rural Estonia. There are only two major characters. The first is an elderly woman who, as we learn her story, is the textbook definition of a survivor She been through WW II, starvation, rape, torture, a dead husband and lost family. Her only remaining family members, a sister and a niece, were exiled to far eastern
I dont have to like people Im reading about but I like to understand them. Their behaviors and motivations. I like them multidimensional. I may disagree with them, despise sometimes, hate even. But I like when they make me uncomfortable, when they prove me how lucky Im not being them or how wrong I was in my assumptions. Purge is dense and suffocating reading, full of secrets, resentments and lies. Sofi Oksanen has created a very ambiguous and unsettling protagonists and while it is pretty